Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Hellboy (2004)

Director: Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Ron Perlman, Doug Jones, Selma Blair, Rupert Evans, John Hurt, Karel Roden and Ladislav Beran.
Genre: Action/Fantasy
Awards: best make up

Hellboy (Pearlman) is a demon/man who was brought from a baby by proffesor Trevor "broom" Bruttenholm (Hurt). He fights demons and monsters in his adult life with a fellow monster Abe Sapien (Jones). In the film hellboy John Myers (Evans) joins the group to look after Hellboy as he seems to get into trouble with the public, being red with devil horns and a pointy tale. Hellboy's love interst is Liz Sherman (Blair) who can engulf herself in flames.

The bad guys in Hellboy are a dark wizard man named Grigori Rasputin (Roden) who wants to bring the lord of chaos into the world for no apparent reason and Karl Ruprecht Kroenen (Beran): An undead nazi warrior who was Hitler's top assassin. He is loyal to Rasputin and helps him with his cause.

The best scene in Hellboy is the opening with the soldiers trying to stop Rasputin from summoning the lord of chaos for Hitler. Compared to Hellboy2 this film is inferior but I like Hellboy for my favourate charector: Karl the assassin.


Hellboy trailer

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Meet the parents: Little Fockers (2010)

Director: Paul Weitz
Starring: Ben Stiller, Robert DeNiro, Jessica Alba and Owen Wilson
Certificate: 12
Genre: Comedy
Awards: none

Little Fockers is the third film about nurse Greg "Gaylord" Focker (Stiller). After being probed for approval in Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers by his father in law Jack Burns (De Niro), He now has two 5 year old children and a happy family. But now with the in-laws coming to stay for his children's birthday he has to service another grilling and with Andi Garcia (Alba), A drug representative becoming more interested in him he has some explain to do. To make matters worse Kevin (Wilson), His wife's ex-boyfriend has come to say hi.

MTPLF is a fun film that has lots of cringy moments and laughs for the family to enjoy. It has some good film parody parts and a good story.


Little Fockers Trailer

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Tron Legacy (2010)

Director: Joseph Kosinski
Starring: Jeff Bridges!, Garrett Hedlund and Olivia Wilde
Certificate: PG
Genre: Action
Awards: none

Tron Legacy is like a war of the stigs. Lots of people in helmets fighting each other. It is set in a game world where Kevin Flynn (Bridges) is trapped by a corrupted program: Clue (Bridges again). After being missing for almost 20 years his son Sam Flynn (Hedlund) goes to look for him while meeting a girl named Quarra (Wilde) on the way.

If Tron Legacy was not in 3D it would have failed as it's plot and story was not very good. With 3D it looked good but the plot is hard to grasp and confusing. If you want to watch this you should see it in 3D


Tron legacy Trailer

LITERAL Tron Legacy Trailer

Thursday, 16 December 2010

The Man who knew too much (1956)

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Starring: James Stewart, Doris Day, Brenda De Banzie,Bernard Miles and Daniel Gelin
Certificate: PG
Genre: Thriller/Mystery
Awards: Best Music
The Man Who Knew Too Much Poster
The Man Who knew to much is about DR Benjamin Mckenna (Stewart) and his wife Josephine (Day) who go on a trip to Morocco with their son. After the death of  of  Louis Bernard (Gelin)- A spy for the secret service- they get tangled up in a plot for assassination. To stop the couple from telling the police an evil British couple (Banzie and Miles) capture their child. Now the Mckinna's must get back their boy and stop an assassination.

The Man who knew too Much was boring at points but it was alright. But nowadays there are better thrillers like this that I could watch.


The Man Who Knew Too Much trailer

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)

Director: David Twohy
Starring: Vin Diesel, Judi Dench, Colm Feore, Karl Urban and Alexa Davalos
Certificate: 15
Genre:  SciFi Action 

The Chronicles of Riddick is the sequel of Pitch Black featuring the anti hero Riddick (Diesel). This time Riddick is being tracked down by an alien race called the Necromongers who want to rule every planet in the world. Leading the alien race is the Lord Marshal (Feore) who has been told that he will killed by a furien: another alien race. Unfortunately Riddick is the last Furien and he has been told by an elemental named Aereon (Dench) that he must kill  the Lord Marshal.Another Necromonger named Vaako (Urban) also wants to kill the Lord so that he can lead his people instead. The two survivors of Pitch Black are back including Jack (Davalos) - now named Kiera - who has become a killer to get glowing eyes like Riddick.

Many people were disappointed with The Chronicles of Riddick because it is so much different to Pitch Black. I thought this film was okay but it targets a different audience to its prequel which killed it. Pitch Black was definitely better but this film wasn't bad.


The Chronicles Of Riddick Trailer

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Avatar (2009)

Director: James Cameron
Starring: Sam worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver and Stephen Lang
Certificate: 12
Genre: Sci Fi
Awards: Best achievement in art, cinematography and  Visual Effects

Avatar is (if you don't count the changing worth of money) both the most expensive film ever made and the biggest selling film so far. James Cameron- Director of Terminator Aliens and Titanic-  spent 10 years making this film. Jake Sully (Worthington) is a marine who's life was torn apart when he lost the use of his legs in a war in Venezuela. When his brother is killed Sully can take his place in a scientist group on the planet Pandora. The scientists have technology that can turn humans into the alien creatures called Navi. soon after Sully goes into Pandora, He gets lost and meets a real Navi named Neytiri (Saldana). She teaches him the way of the Navi and he soon comes to like the people of Pandora. unfortunately not every-one agrees with DR Grace Augustine's (Weaver) Plan to become Navi and persuade them to leave their homes to get the diamonds underneath the soil. Colonel Miles Quaritch (Lang) thinks there is no diplomatic solution and wants to destroy the Navi before they cause any more trouble. Now Jake Sully is in a war and he doesn't know which side to take......

Avatar has the most stunning visuals that cinema has ever seen. The battles, Vehicles and aliens are amazing but the story is a little too eco-friendly. People have become dazed by Avatar and if the second one in 2014 is as good as the first then it could be the new Star Wars.


Avatar Trailer

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Psycho (1960)

Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Starring: Anthony Perkins, Vera Miles, John Gavin and Janet Leigh
Certificate: 15
Genre: Horror

From now on my reviews will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays to give my blog a bit of organisation. Psycho about a woman named Marion Crane (Leigh) who runs away from Phoenix  with $40,000 worth of stolen money. In the night she stops at a motel. When Marion goes missing her sister (Miles) and boyfriend (Gavin) question the owner of the motel (Perkins) who acts very suspicious and the silo-et of his mother in the window opens even more questions.

Psycho is a very clever film with the changing  of main characters and camera shots so that your not quite sure who the Psycho is until the very end. The film is a classic but it is quite old fashioned now which makes some of the scary bits rather funny.


Psycho Trailer

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Films I will probably review before new year

War Of The Worlds
The Chronicles of Riddick
Iron man 2
Alien vs predator

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Clash of the Titans (2010)

Director: Louis Leterrier
Starring: Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes, Gemma Arterton, Mads Mikkelsen
Certificate: 12
Genre: Fantasy
Awards: none

Clash of the Titans is about the demi-god Perseus (Worthington), who's family is killed by the god of the underworld, Hades (Fiennes). Seeking revenge, Perseus  is told that if he kills Hades's kraken they Hades can be defeated. As the city of argos (no I'm not making it up) is under threat from the kraken they want him to kill it too. So Perseus travels to different places to find out how to kill the monster with a group of men, an ancient creepy looking guy and a cursed woman. Together they battle monsters, giant scorpions and Medusa. Zeus (Neeson) also decides to help them even though he told Hades to "Release the Kraken!".

Clash of the Titans has some of the best monsters I have ever seen and brilliant action scenes but the plot is sometimes confusing as people find out he is a demi-god for no proper reason. After looking forward for seeing this film for a year (Sam Worthington is my favourite actor) I found that it is not as bad as people think but I preferred Worthington in Terminator Salvation and Avatar


Clash of the Titans Trailer (2010)

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 (2010)

Director: David Yates
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint and Ralph Fiennes
Certificate: 12
Genre: Fantasy
Awards: none

This month the number 7 is the most popular number. The seventh in the war video game series Call Of Duty has been released and the beginning of the end of the Harry Potter films has arrived. HP7P1 is the first of the Harry Potter films to set outside of Hogwarts. The magic school that Harry Potter(Radcliffe) attends. After the death of-SPOILER ALERT- Albus Dumbledore(Richard Harris and Michael Gambon), Harry, Ron(Grint) and Hermione(Watson) have decided to track down the remaining pieces of Lord Voldemort's(Fiennes) soul. Lord Voldemort is the villain of the series who is the dark wizard who killed Harry's parents 16 years ago. Since then he has died, been resurrected and become powerful all over again.

HP7P1 is darker and more serous than any of the films before it. The action scenes are enjoyable apart from when the heroes are running away from a gang of "snatchers" which is too confusing. The film has some funny parts and some sad parts and a good film. Although I prefer Chris Columbus's HP2 this film is more mature and you can definitely see the evolution through the films.


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Trailer

Speed (1994)

Director: Jan de bolt.
Starring: Keanu Reeves, Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock and Jeff Daniels.
Certificate: 15.
Awards: Best effects, best sound.

Speed is a film about a bus that has had a bomb attached to it. If the bus goes under 50 miles an hour the bomb will detonate. Keanu Reeves is a cop named Jack who has to stop the bomber (Hopper) from killing everyone while keeping the people on the bus calm. Sandra Bullock is the bus driver for a day due to the injury of the real one.

Speed has a lot of tension in it and good effects for its time. There are some cheesy lines and bad acting but not much. I enjoyed speed and i think it's great.


Thursday, 11 November 2010

Aliens vs predator - requiem (2007)

Directors: Colin and Greg Strause
Starring: Reiko Aylesworth, Steven Pasquale and John Ortis
Certificate: 18
Genre: Horror
Awards: None

Alien and Predator are the two biggest selling scifi/horror film franchises. Aliens vs Predator is the second of the spin-off films including these monsters. The film is about both creatures coming to earth and wreaking havoc while trying to kill each other. There is also a hybrid which is part of them both which seems to be fighting on the Aliens side but it's hard  to tell as when there fighting you can't tell which is which.

The film is overall confusing and set in night time so that it's even harder to tell if it is an alien or a predator. The human characters are all trying to run away and survive which reminds me of Pitch Black except they did it better. The films show no mercy to the characters with 8 year old children and pregnant women getting there stomachs blown up.

Overall I was disappointed with this film but maybe the films will never be as good without Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sigourny Weaver.

**Pretty Bad 

Wednesday, 1 September 2010


welcome to Have I got films for you.

Here you will find all of my film reviews from Alfred Hitchcock to James Cameron. Enjoy!