Starring: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Kevin Bacon
Certificate: 12
Genre: Superhero
Awards: None
X Men: First Class follows the young Charles Xavier (McAvoy) and Eric Lehnsher (Fassbender) and how they became friends and then bitter rivals. It shows how Eric was tested in the concentration camps and when Charles meets a strange blue girl named Raven (Lawrence). The main antagonist of the film is the mutant Nazi -Sebastian Shaw (Bacon), who wants to turn the cold war into world war three. Charles and Eric find that with their own army of mutants, they could prevent the end of humanity.
First Class is a very good portrayal of the first years of the X men. Mcavoy and Fassbender Play their characters extremely well and all the other mutants are portrayed brilliantly. The film is one of the best in the series but I am not sure if i would want their to be a sequel as there is not much to go on from that point.