Starring: Sigourney Weaver, Winona Ryder, Ron Perlman, Dominique Pinon, Gary Dourdan, Michael Wincott
Certificate: 18
Genre: Horror, Sci Fi, Action
Awards: None
From what I've heard of this film I expected it to be terrible, but it's not that bad. It's nowhere near Alien and Aliens of course but it doesn't destroy the franchise at all. Most of the crew are enjoyable to watch and you don't want them to die. Winona Rider is a likeable new heroine and Ron Perlman is as awesome as ever.
However, the film is far from perfect. Alien: Resurrection is desperate to create something new in the series. They try human aliens, mutated humans and many others. Unfortunately, none really seem shocking or new.
Alien: Resurrection is tons better than Alien3 but can't compete with the originals. An enjoyable film with a twist I didn't see coming.