Starring: Riz Ahmed, Nigel Lindsey, Kayvan Novak, Mohammad Aqil, Adeel Akhtar, Craig Parkinson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Kevin Eldon
Certificate: 15
Genre: Comedy
Awards: None

The film follows Omar (Ahmed), a radical muslim who wants to blow up something in the name of Islam. Unfortunately his crew are as useful as a box of wet matches. There's the gullible Waj (Novak), the half crazed Faisal (Akhtar) and the extremist of extremists Barry (Lindsey) who all mess up Omar's plans to blow up the London Marathon.
Four Lions is a side-splittingly funny film that may seem slightly harsh due to its subject matter, but you're never really rooting for the characters as you know there is no way they could pull it off. You know it's going to end badly and you keep watching until it does.