Starring: Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush, Christopher Eccleston, Joseph Fiennes, Richard Attenborough, Daniel Craig
Certificate: 15
Genre: History
Awards: Best Make-up
Elizabeth the first (Blanchett) has just become queen and is under threat from catholic high powered people such as the Lord of Norfolk (Eccleston) and servants of the pope (Craig). She falls in love with Lord Dudley Robert (Fiennes) but is kept being told by her advisor William Cecil (Attenborough) that he is not suitable. But not all is lost thanks to sir Francais Walsingham (Rush) who is an assassin loyal to the queen.
Elizabeth is a good film but it has boring parts in it. It consists of mostly political warfare that is not everybody's favourite film. I like political films such as Valkyre but Elizabeth is not as good. Overall it is a good film but not one of the best. But Hey any film with Galdrial, Doctor Who, Barbossa and James Bond Can't be bad right?
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