Starring: Elijah Wood, Sean Austin, Ian Mckellan, Viggo Mortensen, Andy Serkis, Orlando Bloom, John Rhys- Davies, Bernard Hill, Dominic Monaghan, Miranda Otto, Billy Boyd, Christopher Lee, Karl Urban, David Wenham
Certificate: 12
Genre: Fantasy
Awards: Best Sound, Best effects.
The Two Towers is the second film in The Lord Of The Rings trilogy and takes place after the breaking of the fellowship. Frodo (Wood) and Sam (Austin) are trying to get to Mordor to destroy the ring but they can't get there so when they find Gollum (Serkis), they use him as a guide but they get caught by Boromir's brother, Faramir (Wenham). Aragorn (Mortensen), Legolas (Bloom) and Gimli (Rhys-Davies) are tracking down the Uruk hai that have captured merry (Monaghen) and Pippen (Boyd) but meet Gandalph (Mckellan) instead. They then go to Rohan to help King Theodan (Hill) protect his land from orks. But Theoden has been possesed by Saruman (Lee) and tricked by his servant wormtail (Dourif)-Who wants his niece Eowyn (Otto)- to banish his nephew Eomer (Urban) and all the soldiers loyal to Rohan.
The Two Towers is a good film with much more action than The Fellowship but I find it the least interesting of the three. The new character, Gollum is first seen in this film and he has become one of the most famous film characters ever like Darth Vader and Mr Spock.
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