Starring: Elijah Wood, Ian Mckellen, Viggo Mortensen, Andy Serkis, Sean Austin, Orlando Bloom, Billy Boyd, Bernard Hill, Dominic Monaghan, Miranda Otto, John Rhys- Davies, Karl Urban, David Wenham, Christopher Lee, John Noble.
Certificate: 12
Genre: Fantasy
Awards: Best art, Best Costume, Best director, Best editing, Best makeup, Best music, Best picture, Best sound, Best effects, Best adapted screenplay
The final film of The Lord of The Rings shows Frodo (Wood), Sam (Austin) and Gollum (Serkis) make their final length of the journey to Mordor while Aragorn (Mortensen), Legolas (Bloom),Gimmli (Rhys-Davies) and Theoden (Hill) gather an army to help captain Faramir (Wenham) with the defence of Gondor. Gandalf (McKellan) brings the hobbit Pippin (Boyd) and tries to talk sense in to Saruman (Lee) and the steward of Gondor, Denathor (Noble) before joining the battles while leaving Merry (Monaghen) with the army of Rohan with Eomer (Urban) and Eowyn (Otto).
This film is definitely one of the greatest films for battles but the ending is about thirty minutes too long where it all gets cheesy. It's better than Towers but can never topple Fellowship. After watching these films again, I am seriosly looking forward to The Hobbit next year.
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