Starring: Brad Pitt, Jessica Chastain, Sean Penn
Certificate: 12
Genre: Drama
Awards: None
Normally in this paragraph I sum up the story of the film I'm reviewing, but The Tree Of Life doesn't really have a story. It shows you the beginning of the world with a range of cinematography and then focuses on one family in the 1950's. The film is also given philosophical voice overs by the mother (Chastain) and the now grown up son (Penn) in modern day.

Critics have poured praise after praise over this film, but if there was a film more slower paced, it hasn't ended yet. The shots of the animals and the beginning of the world are interesting, but they drag on for too long. Brad Pitt is amazing as the strict and scary father and he should be recognised for it, but apart from him there are no characters that really have any feeling to them. Unlike in Stand By Me, you don't care about the children who are given the most screen time. They're bland and boing, and when they do do something - like break a window or shoot each others fingers with air rifles - you just begin disliking them even more.
The Tree Of Life is really an art house film . It's full of symbolism and lots of pretty shots. It's an experience. If you're into films like that, you'll love this film. But as a film, The Tree Of Life is awful. If you're looking for something entertaining, this is not it.
**Pretty Bad
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