Starring: Tom Cruise, Rosamund Pike, Werner Herzog, David Oyelowo, Robert Duvall, Richard Jenkins
Certificate: 12
Genre: Action
Awards: None
There was a bit of a ruckus from Jack Reacher fans when Tom Cruise was announced to play 6 foot 6 Jack Reacher. However for the people who have actually seen it, that argument has died away. This could be a very good franchise for Cruise (but maybe not a successful one if box office numbers continue at this rate).

Jack Reacher always seems to be on top of things. He never seems to be troubled or anywhere he can't handle himself and this works both with and against the film. On one hand it seems pretty awesome to see an invincible man with all the answers almost seem to stride through every obstacle while on the other it makes Reacher seem arrogant. He's a know-it-all and unlike John McLane in Die Hard, we don't see him find out these things. We just see him explain it to other characters and so we warm to him less. It also makes the villains not seem like a threat at all.
The action is great with Reacher just smashing and outwitting everybody at every turn while Werner Herzog plays the villain and if he had somehow defeated Reacher in any way he would probably have been seen as really good, but because of Reacher's unstoppable force he becomes more of a Scooby Doo villain.
Overall I like Jack Reacher because it's different. The character reminds me of Riddick in the way he deals with things - especially his last conversation with the villain. I really hope Reacher has a second shot at cinema.
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