Starring: Jodie Foster, Kate Winslet, Christoph Waltz, John C. Reilly
Certificate: 15
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Awards: None

Carnage is a very predictable film. Right from the start you know that nothing is really going to happen, so you can just sit back and enjoy the battle. The end credit sequence brilliantly proves the point the film wants to convey, that the argument is pointless. What's also great is how the least identifiable character (a top performance by Waltz) becomes the one we side with as everybody else starts becoming more aggressive while showing their true colours. Waltz is the most honest of them all. He doesn't care and never has.
The three other cast members are also on top performance here. Each is given a chance to morph their character as they pull of their social masks.
Overall, the film is interesting, but it's nothing great and certainty not Polanski's best. But it has an almost farce-like feeling to it that makes it compelling. It is a much more serious farce. This is worth a watch if you can find it, but don't expect Rosemary's Baby.
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