Thursday, 20 March 2014

In Time (2011)

Director: Andrew Niccol
Starring: Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy, Olivia Wilde, Johnny Galeki
Certificate: 12
Genre: Sci Fi, Action
Awards: None

In the future, people don't age after they reach 25 and money has been replaced by time, meaning that the rich can live forever. Will Salas (Timberlake) is not rich so he and everybody he knows live by the day, not knowing if it would be their last. When a man with a century gives all his life to Will, he can now move up to the rich area and unleash his form of justice.

In Time is one of those films with a good concept that could have been executed so much better. While watching I can't help but think how I would have written the story. There are a few sub plots that are never explained and the film all seems a bit angsty.

Timberlake and Seyfried are both watchable in their roles and there aren't really any complaints, but the show stealer is Murphy as the time cop chasing them.  His character is the most interesting as he is shown to have complexities that - although are never explained - eventually make you root for him rather than the other characters.

In Time could do with another chance with a more talented director and writer as it has a lot of good potential. I would love to see a bigger budget remake that makes more use of the unique format.


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