Starring: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, Peter Dinklage, Halle Berry, Evan Peters, Josh Helman
Certificate: 12
Genre: Superhero
Awards: None

Because the cast is so vast, some get a lot more screen time than others. If you are a Magneto fan, you may be disappointed as Fassbender is featured much less frequently than McAvoy whilst McKellan is even harder to find. Dinklage's human baddie has little time to shine (yet somehow he still does) while new character, Quicksiver (Peters) has a brilliant introduction but is then left forgotten. The film is not damaged by this as the main characters are still really interesting and watchable, but it can be a little disappointing.
The film succeeds in its story as it takes twists and turns that keep you guessing throughout while the action scenes are spectacular. With the sprinkle of humour, X-Men 7 becomes a great film that surpasses most of the franchise.
With Bryan Singer back in the directors chair however, some aspects of First Class (In my opinion the best X-Men film thus far) are lost. Henry Jackman's music is replaced by that of Singer regular John Ottmon whilst all characters not already in Singer's previous films are killed offscreen before the film.
With so many directors and other creative people being part of the X-Men franchise, somebody is always going to be disappointed. On its own merits X-Men:DOFP is incredibly enjoyable film. Franchise-wise its still the second best and has kept the gates open for more. There is no need for a reboot yet, thankfully.