Starring: Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan
Certificate: 12
Genre: Superhero
Awards: None

TASM2 features three villains, yet none work well. Each are visually stunning and great to look out with the actors giving good performances but the characters themselves are not given enough depth. Like most of Spiderman's villains, Elektro (Foxx) is shown to be a sympathetic character to us for the first half of the film. However, this is forgotten near the end. Harry Osbourne (DeHaan) arc is also surprisingly quick as he becomes the green goblin way earlier than expected.
The ending of the film does give a more commendable feature. It shows that the movie has guts and is willing to go further than most, yet even the execution after the climax is very poor.
Overall The Amazing Spiderman 2 is a very weak movie that has the saving grace of a good ending. However, that does not make up for the two hours that proceeded it.
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